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Gold Leaf
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How We Got Here

Naked Beauty

It started when I turned two years old and got a skin infection that could not be diagnosed or healed. With experimentation, my parents found a solution to my infection, but they had to "figure it out." When I got to puberty, skin care was the furthest thing on my mind. But then I hit my late twenties, and my hormones went haywire. My acne was incessant and I used everything in hopes it would abate, but with sensitive skin, I only made things worse. Then, Like my parents, I started experimenting on how to heal my skin NATURALLY. 

So here I am figuring out this skin care journey and loving the skin I am in (occasional pimples and all). I've studied, reviewed and experimented with each one of my creations. My recipes are carefully tested and the ingredients curated. I hope this helps you on your journey, and that you find that place where your skin shows the God-given beauty bestowed on it.

Every bottle is handmade with all-natural, organic ingredients sourced from the Earth: Paraben free, synthetics free, and filled with Goodness. Browse through the product gallery and experience Simply Mine for yourself. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions, comments or suggestions.

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